Environment - references






LEAP Kratovo Municipality Kratovo Municipality and Ministry of environment and urban planning 2007
LEAP Rankovce Municipality Rankovce Municipality and Ministry of environment and urban planning 2007-2008
LEAP Kisela Voda Municipality Kisela Voda Municipality and Ministry of environment and urban planning 2007-2008 
LEAP Novaci Municipality Novaci Municipality and Ministry of environment and urban planning 2008-2009 
LEAP Butel Municipality Butel Municipality and Ministry of environment and urban planning 2009 
Initial environmental impact assessment study from the construction of a water treatment plant in Skopje Tokiyo Engineering Consultants, financed by JICA 2007-2008
Wastewater management in Skopje study – Public opinion research – social aspects Tokiyo Engineering Consultants, financed by JICA 2007
Consultants for B ISKZ permits for Rankovce Municipality Rankovce Municipality 2007-2009
Plan and program for waste management in Rankovce municipality Rankovce Municipality and Ministry of environment and urban planning 2008 
Preparation of promotional materials for Prespa Park Prespa Park project, UNDP Resen 2009 
Public awareness campaign regarding the punitive provisions of the laws related to environmental protection Ministry of environment and urban planning 2008-2009 
Preparation of a feasibility study for determining national criteria for assigning ecological marks for paints and varnishes for internal usage Ministry of environment and urban planning 2008 
IPPC Application for the separation of river sand in Dine Trejd – Kriva Palanka Dine Trejd – Kriva Palanka 2009 
Implementation of ISO 9001:2000 in BA Company Skopje BA Company Skopje  2008
Implementation of capacity building plan – training modules for environmental impact assessment and integrated pollution prevention and control system for the units of local self-government UNDP project for industrial hotspots 2009-2010
Revision of LEAP documents for five municipalities in Kosovo REC – Kosovo office
IPPC Application for the separation of river sand in ANSA – Gevgelija ANSA r.t.c. Gevgelija,
village Miravci
Strategic Environment Assessment for P’klishte, urban block “I” – weekend settlement, Rankovce municipality Rankovce municipality 2010
Urban plan outside of a settlement Ginovci, Rankovce municipality Rankovce municipality 2010
LEAP for Cheshinovo-Obleshevo municipality Cheshinovo-Obleshevo municipality 2010
Multiple environment protection analyses RIO Kafe – Skopje
Rankovce municipality
Arhiepis – Ilinden
Park Ginovce
2009 - 2010