KRAFTING GROUP – Robust IT Solutions
Krafting Group IT experts are highly skilled in order to efficiently support or completely carry out the processes of digital transformation and innovation, initiated by businesses embracing the changes incited by the new digital era. These changes intrinsically include the business need for adaptation of new IT technologies fostering innovative products and applications, faster time to market, ubiquitous presence in the digital domain or progressive automation of production processes.
We are well aware that technology expertise per se is not sufficient for success on the digital road - it is also about having at disposal:
- Domain knowledge
- Elasticity, to consume peak resources requirements
- Availability of team resources from the whole spectrum for SW development, besides the indispensable architects and developers, such as business analysts, project managers, QA staff, system engineers
- Proper agile methodology
- Product management experience, enabling us to understand and support also marketing and financial drivers behind the undertaken business initiative
- Senior management, bringing up and keeping a qualified and motivated team, because we believe that only such team leads to customer satisfaction
- Regular communication with customer representatives and readiness to adapt to new requirements and situations
We are mainly focusing on the technologies listed below. However, we cultivate close relations with Universities enabling us to acquire other technologies and resources in a relatively short time span, when demanded by business partners.
Full stack development in: |
PLC, Automation and IoT programming of: |
GIS applications, GIS data management on: |
Regarding the engagement model we offer the standard resources outsourcing and team extension, adjustable to customer needs, as well as project-based contracting based on customer defined scope. We can also assist or completely perform the business analysis for the customer, followed by mutual validation of identified requirements and scope.
Moreover, we offer to build up and run a Dedicated Development Center fulfilling all IT development and support tasks for the customer, for a specific technology or application area.